Thursday, 7 February 2008

Kawaii = Cute

This is a word I'm sure many of you know all too well- be it from watching 20 seconds of Japanese TV or from that Japanophile posterperson, Gwen Stefani. But just in case:

Kawaii (kah-wah-eee): cute; can be said about people, animals, cartoon animals, stuffed cartoon animals, and pictures of animals (particularly the cartoon kind)

I interrupt this word of the day message to say that Christina rocks!!! Thanks so much for the book (which I totally wishlisted on Amazon after you told me about it months ago)!!!! And I can't wait to Skype you while you can check out my "it doesn't really look like anyone is living there" apartment!!!! YAYYYYY!!! OK, I'm done now. Had to get it out.

OK, sorry back to business.


Vinnie: (as soon as he closes the door of my bathroom) Ah! Kawaii!!!!!
Pam: Hey, what? What's kawaii?
Vinnie: Pam, uh... how many things in your bathroom could I possibly be talking about?!

Hm... I'm pretty sure he was talking about this:

p.s. That would be the same Vin from RU! He's teaching English over in Yokohama now (which is not far from Tokyo...but he was kind enough to come and hang in Kansai for a few days!).

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Nazukashi = Nostalgic

So- if any of you guys remember (or knew me) back when I was studying at might remember how I morphed my AIM profile (remember those? hellz yeah, all the way back in 2003!) into a "British Slang Word of the Day." I usually tried to pepper it with stories of my local friends' verbal abuse and various awkward situations in which I'd managed to land myself. Things really haven't changed too much.

I enjoyed writing them every day so- how about a Japanese Word of the Day (a Nichi no Nihongo no Tango, if you will)? I figure the first one can bear reference to studying abroad the first time around so...

Nazukashi (nah-zoo-ka-SHEE) = Nostalgic

e.g. One night, I was at a bar in my tiny town called "Second Booze" (kickass name, I know!). This guy comes over and randomly starts talking to us. So he tells us that he lives in New York and he's here for the week and I’m like "Whuhhh? Where? When? Why? New York? Come talk to me!" Turns out- get this- not only did he just finish his Master's in Education at NYU, but we also met a couple times at Orientation! (As you may know, I worked at the international students office.) Crazy!

AND his dad used to work at the high school I currently work at (his parents are so cool, I heart them- they will be in many a future Word of the Day) AND my predecessor's predecessor just happened to be staying at their house that weekend so they called him up and I talked to the guy who had my job about four years ago. Weird night.

yet? WTF?” Wait for it…wait for it…>

So long story short, we become facebook friends. And he wrote on my wall telling me to do stuff around my apartment that he did when he was growing up (two blocks away). At the end, he goes “Wow, nazukashi! Nazukashi means nostalgic. It’s a useful word.”

Isn’t it?

Forgive me for the anticlimax. I swear, it’ll get better. And more succinct.