Sunday 20 September 2009


So I'm living at home with my parents while I'm looking for a job. You'd think it'd be kind of depressing but it's actually kinda nice. My mom's a good cook, my dad does the dishes, and the place is HUGE compared to the apartments I'm used to. It's nice to have roommates too- after returning home to an empty place in the quiet suburbs for two years, it's nice to have some noise and interaction.

And yes, my parents are my ROOMMATES, hehe. There's this one part of The Flight of the Conchords where Dave (the faux-casanova Indian friend who runs the pawn shop) talks about his living situation (totally paraphrased):

Dave: Aw, man, my roommate is crazy.
Bret/Jermaine (I forget): Don't you live with your parents?
Dave: What? Those are my roommates!
Bret/Jermain: But don't they have pictures of you growing up?
Dave: I know! I think they made them in Photoshop, it's really creepy and sad.

OK, so I haven't gotten to that point of delusion but it's only been a month and a half!

Anyone else?