Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Drama, Drama

Yeah, Lux, apparently my anger did not go unnoticed by my students... every person (i.e. you and two other JETs here) I've told that story can't imagine me being angry! But oh, I can be.

So I was talking to some of my students today and they asked me straight out what I thought of the teacher that I got angry at and I was like uh...He's nice, he's nice, but... and they were like BUT! And we all just kind of laughed. Hopefully this will blow over soon- note to self: never display emotion again.

But today was our English Club Halloween party! I dressed as Carmen and the students laughed, we played Halloween hangman, and then we ate large quantities of candy. There's this Japanese brand of candy where it's these little packets of chocolates in different shapes (like really tiny tic tac sized chocolates) and apparently everyone (i.e. a group of 15-17 year old girls) loves 'em!

So I wrote this yesterday and didn't post it cos I wanted to reply to all your posts, but I realised I can do that within the posts! Woo hoo!

Today was good cos I overhauled one of my first grade lessons (I mainly teach the first grade-aka 10th grade in the U.S.- and the second grade-aka 11th grade) to make it more clear and I think it went over really well! I was having trouble explaining the steps of a pair argument (we're doing "Introduction to Debate" right now), so I made up all these magneted signs and put them together. It was time-consuming, but fun! And lucky too, cos today was the day (I had completely forgotten) when about 8 of the other teachers and the principal and vice principal came to observe my class. It was weird having them all in there, but apparently it went really well! And last week, the "head JET" (aka the returning JET who works in the Prefectural Board of Education Office) came to observe with the principal and vice principal and that close went well too. So despite the fact that I fall down in class (happened twice yesterday!), forget to mark things, and showed up (once) without a lesson plan, I don't completely suck as a teacher. Yet.

Anyway, I'm so psyched that you guys are actually wading through my endless sea of words. And that your (well at least Kat, Lakshmi, and Christina- Lux, you've been inspired us!) blogs have been updated too- lots of reading.

OK, it's about 6:30 pm, so I'm gonna head to bed- this week has tuckered me out! And tomorrow is the big Halloween party- apparently it's like the craziest party in Shiga...I guess we'll see.



Lux said...

Haha, butt.
I'm so happy to know that I 'been inspired' you, but I'm kind of worried about what kind of English you're teaching those folks.

mapbackwards said...

hahahahaha I think they understood that I meant but and not butt... however, you do have a point!

Yes- thank you for the inspiration! Woo hoo!!!