Wednesday, 5 December 2007

This is a Good Ole Red, White and Blue

No, I'm not getting patriotic. But I am thinking of our favorite old thrift store back in the Jerz. So Kat (and Tessy poo, if you're reading this and any other thrifty aficionados), here are some pics of a super cool thrift store in Kyoto. I wish I had taken more pictures- but as you can tell it was pretty kick-ass!

A bathtub as planter? Ingenious!

A bathtub as random pool of water with shizz in it? Who woulda thunk it!!!? This is (from L-R): Kaori who is super cool and moving to Vegas very soon, my ichidachi Emi about to wash her face in some murkiness, and Rie looking sex-ay in her boots!

All I do is shop here, it's sick. The clothes here are awesome (I'm the 2nd largest size, woo hoo!) and you can get so many cool/cheap/random things for your apartment. e.g. Bathroom paraphernalia- my t.p. has a cute little bear cover!


mapbackwards said...

p.s. I was marking exams ALL today- I'm almost done! Woo hoo!!! 400 done, less than 50 to go!!

The question was 'Why should high school students be able to drive?"

One kid's answer was 'So they will not get wet in the shower.'

And I'm like "Ehhhhh?" but he meant rainshowers!

Anny said...

That place looks way cool but way too trendy for me.

Haha... David Foster Wallace uses footnotes all the time. It's maddening but I love him!