Here's some more slang to keep ya'll going. These are all "ki" words (get it? KEY WORDS? OMG.). Anyway ki or "気" means "feeling."
Kimoi (kee-moy): Gross!
e.g. I was hanging with the English Club at my school and one of the girls picks up this nasty thing off the ground (it looked like a bunch of old cigarettes stuck together) and goes- I'm not joking- "Oishiso!" (looks tasty!) Turns out it was a dessicated honeycomb...and people really do eat those! Anyway, when she put it in her bag, one of the other girls (who, by the way, is exactly like me when I was her age- totally a nerd but really energetic!! She's hilarious!!!) yelled, "KIMO!" (dropping the "i" makes it extra exclamation-y, I think!)
Kimazui (kee-ma-zoo-ee): Awkward; embarrassing
e.g. This is a word I use almost daily... which is about as often as I used the word awkward back home!
Kimochi (kee-mo-chee): emotion, feeling
e.g. So on my fave show ever (I am a total Japanese television addict now), Zettai Kareshi ("Absolute Boyfriend" or, its English title, "My Flawless Robot Boyfriend"), the main star is a robot designed to be the perfect man. As the show goes on, he develops human-like "kimochi" so his non-robot girlfriend actually begins to fall for him!!! Another phrase I learned from this show was "Konai de" (ko-nye-day) which means "Don't come near me!"
If you wanna watch it, you can go to and download it! Below is the advert for it!

And in other news, I get to be one of the Orientation Leaders for JET Orientation in Tokyo, so I get to- as fellow JET Katie P likes to say- freak out the squares!!! ("Squares" meaning incoming JETs!) That and I get to put that crazy enthusiasm ("genki"-ness here in Japan. OH!!! Another ki word!!!) to good use!
Yay! I hope to be better at this in the future- thank you to Lux for pushing me to start posting again!!!
I'm a fan of your blog!
""Konai de" (ko-nye-day) which means "Don't come near me!""
I totally remember this being said all the time by one character of the only anime I've seen.
Yay! Thanks, Stine! I knew I could count on you!
haha Seriously??? Dude, I gotta get you watching "my stories" (a.k.a. J-drama)- they're way cooler than anime!!!!
And she comes back with a vengeance!
I'm so excited!
If you know me well enough, you know I will definitely make it a point to learn Konai de. Just hope I put the emphasis on the right parts so I don't accidentally say "come hither" instead.
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