Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Extreme Slang Update!

Gomen (sorry)!!! I haven't updated in months! Sorry to all my loyal fans (or well, fan...Lux!)!

Here's some more slang to keep ya'll going. These are all "ki" words (get it? KEY WORDS? OMG.). Anyway ki or "気" means "feeling."

Kimoi (kee-moy): Gross!
e.g. I was hanging with the English Club at my school and one of the girls picks up this nasty thing off the ground (it looked like a bunch of old cigarettes stuck together) and goes- I'm not joking- "Oishiso!" (looks tasty!) Turns out it was a dessicated honeycomb...and people really do eat those! Anyway, when she put it in her bag, one of the other girls (who, by the way, is exactly like me when I was her age- totally a nerd but really energetic!! She's hilarious!!!) yelled, "KIMO!" (dropping the "i" makes it extra exclamation-y, I think!)

Kimazui (kee-ma-zoo-ee): Awkward; embarrassing
e.g. This is a word I use almost daily... which is about as often as I used the word awkward back home!

Kimochi (kee-mo-chee): emotion, feeling
e.g. So on my fave show ever (I am a total Japanese television addict now), Zettai Kareshi ("Absolute Boyfriend" or, its English title, "My Flawless Robot Boyfriend"), the main star is a robot designed to be the perfect man. As the show goes on, he develops human-like "kimochi" so his non-robot girlfriend actually begins to fall for him!!! Another phrase I learned from this show was "Konai de" (ko-nye-day) which means "Don't come near me!"
If you wanna watch it, you can go to and download it! Below is the advert for it!
That's all for now! More to come!!!

And in other news, I get to be one of the Orientation Leaders for JET Orientation in Tokyo, so I get to- as fellow JET Katie P likes to say- freak out the squares!!! ("Squares" meaning incoming JETs!) That and I get to put that crazy enthusiasm ("genki"-ness here in Japan. OH!!! Another ki word!!!) to good use!

Yay! I hope to be better at this in the future- thank you to Lux for pushing me to start posting again!!!


Stiney said...

I'm a fan of your blog!

""Konai de" (ko-nye-day) which means "Don't come near me!""

I totally remember this being said all the time by one character of the only anime I've seen.

mapbackwards said...

Yay! Thanks, Stine! I knew I could count on you!

haha Seriously??? Dude, I gotta get you watching "my stories" (a.k.a. J-drama)- they're way cooler than anime!!!!

Lux said...

And she comes back with a vengeance!
I'm so excited!
If you know me well enough, you know I will definitely make it a point to learn Konai de. Just hope I put the emphasis on the right parts so I don't accidentally say "come hither" instead.