Friday, 31 October 2008

Let's Enjoy a Happy Halloween Time!

Happy Halloween, peepz!

This year, I'm going as this fine young woman right here:
Gokusen- the Gangster Teacher!

She teaches math AND kicks bad guys' butts!

So at the end of each exam, I ask the student a "fun" (for me) extra credit question. It helps keep me sane when I'm grading! (For the last final, I asked for the 2008 Presidential Candidates: Very few kids knew McCain (or "Makein" in Japanese) but lots of kids knew "Balack Obama" and "Hirari" (Oh, that wonderful L/R mixup!)!

So the 10th Grade Midterm Exam Question was: "What Halloween Costume would you choose and why?"
  • "A pumpkin. It's very cute." (answer from several male students)
  • "A zombie. It's very cute." (answer from several female students)
  • "[Female J-pop singer] Ayumi Hamazaki. I respect her a lot." (answer from a male student)
  • "A Ghost. It's very cheap."
  • "What will you be for Halloween, Pam-sensei? Will you go to a party?" (I gave him a point for appealing to my vanity! And actually writing something....)
  • Other popular ones: Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp, Dorakura (a.k.a. Dracula - took me a while to figure that one out!), cat, and one kid even said he would be the Grim Reaper!! ("shinigami" in Japanese. "shinu" = death and "kami" = god)
  • A couple students said this to me in person, "I can't dress up for Halloween! I'm Japanese!"
So what will you be for Halloween? Will you go to a party?


Unknown said...

(Love your entry!)

I forgot it was Halloween today--I voted though! Yay Balack!

mapbackwards said...

Hooray! I guess you were one of those early voters? I still can't believe Barack Obama is our president, woo hoo!

And thanks for reading and commenting- it's nice to know that I'm talking to somebody! (You and Stine, mainly, hehe)